Hall 6 - Booth Number 6-124

SyrupGuard Gen 3

by DAUSCH Technologies GmbH

Logo of Dausch Technologies GmbH


  • 05.1 Process automation, control and control systems
  • 06.1 Analysis


  • 05.1 Process automation, control and control systems
  • 06.1 Analysis
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Product Description

In addition to water and fruit juice drinks, non-alcoholic drinks are now dominated by light or sugar-free cola drinks as well as those with additional benefits such as ACE, sports or energy drinks with vitamins, minerals or proteins. They are all mixtures of many components, based on a base material that is mixed together with numerous ingredients and water to form postmix or ready-made syrup. It is extremely important for the bottling companies that this syrup always corresponds exactly to the recipe and taste that the customer is used to before water is added. While quality control of postmix and ready-made syrup used to be sufficient as a sum parameter, today we want to know exactly about each individual component: Is it present in the exact quantity and are all the ingredients included?
SyrupGuard Gen3 offers the prerequisites for answering all questions positively: every ingredient is checked at the molecular level in just a few seconds, either as a batch version in the syrup room or – and this is completely new – online immediately after the inline blender.
The same system is used as with “LiquiGuard”, only not with the ready-made drink, but with the ready-made syrup. The primary goal is to prevent incorrect mixing!
And the other big additional benefit: If the online system is running smoothly, it can be taken out of the process for a few minutes to analyze the manual sample from another syrup or batch tank for the release process. Before and after the manual analysis, all lines and measuring cells are meticulously flushed, and after a few minutes online operation is automatically resumed.
SyrupGuard Gen3 offers an exact check of the correct mixture and all components, the security that all specifications are adhered to precisely, as well as the possibility of running the process online and thus the chance to save time and money.
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