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  • Whitepaper
  • Technology
  • Europe
  • Beer

Brewing Perfection with Pentair

Your customers know a great beer when they taste it.
But only you know what needs to be done to create the perfect brew.

Pentair partners with brewers to not only produce flavor-rich beers, but help them to optimize quality, maximize process uptime and reduce product loss.

From Haffmans quality control equipment, to Südmo process valve technology; from high gravity brewing units, beer membrane filtration, CO2 recovery and water treatment to process engineering and service - Pentair can help you deliver what your customers crave - brewed perfection.

Many of the world’s leading breweries and food & beverage producers insist on Pentair technology – due to it’s proven record when it comes to optimizing quality, maximizing process uptime and minimizing product loss.

One of our product highlights this year:

The Pentair BeerStab – for the most convenient beer stabilization
Beer consumers like to enjoy a bright beer. Hence, brewers seek to brew a beer, which is bright on the shelves and stays that way for a long time. To be able to achieve that, you need a reliable beer stabilization.

Pentair’s BeerStab is the most convenient beer stabilization system, ensuring what you need: stable beer. Beer loss is reduced to a minimum and the same applies to the consumption of water, chemicals, and utilities. With the lowest footprint possible it can easily be retrofitted and integrated into the smallest operation. 

Operation is robust, simple and at low costs: a small system volume, no pumping around of PVPP, and the PVP is fixed. As a bonus, you have a straightforward regeneration of the PVP with plain caustic and ambient temperature level and CO2 is not needed. Besides, the removal of polyphenols is guaranteed up to the level you need.

Small batches, brand changes, and variable flows are easy to handle by Pentair BeerStab: there are no disturbances in your production process.


At Pentair, we believe the health of our world depends on reliable access to clean water. We deliver a comprehensive range of smart, sustainable water solutions to homes, business and industry around the world. Our industry leading and proven portfolio of solutions enables people, business and industry to access clean, safe water, reduce water consumption, and recover and reuse it. We help ensure water is clean when returned to the environment. Whether it’s for fitness and fun, healthier homes, better flood control, safer sky rises, more sustainable ways to farm, or safe drinking water for those who need it most, we won’t stop until the world’s water is managed the best way possible.

From approximately 120 locations in 25 countries, Pentair’s 9,500 employees are united in our unwavering belief that the future of water depends on us. Our 2019 revenue was $3.0 billion, and we trade under the ticker symbol PNR.

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